Monthly Archive: January 2016

Chocolate Dipped Peppermint Sticks | 0

Chocolate Dipped Peppermint Sticks

AHH! Did everybody survive the blizzard?? We got about a foot of snow in my part of Delaware between Friday and Saturday, and I enjoyed every single bit of it! I love love love a good snow storm and I get so disappointed when we go through a whole winter without the grass ever being fully blanketed. It just adds so much excitement to what can sometimes feel like a dreary time of year. I love when there is an impending storm, and it’s all that anybody can talk about. I totally buy in to all the hype, seriously, I...

Winter ONEderland 0

A Winter ONE-derland 1st Birthday!

Yes, another party post! What can I say, I have TWO winter babies, so we have parties on the brain all winter long!!! As we are nearing my daughter’s 2nd birthday in February, I can’t resist sharing the theme from her first birthday last year, “Winter ONE-derland!” It was such a fun theme to put together and it was actually the party that inspired me to start this blog! Now when you go to the party store, you will not find “winter ONE-derland birthday” stuck in between the Doc McStuffins and Ninja Turtle party decorations. It does take a little...

Happy New Year | 2

Happy New Year!

Wow! Another holiday season come and gone! This year was a very busy one, but so so much fun. Christmas and New Year’s should be on a 3 day weekend every year! It was so nice to be able to enjoy the craziness of the holiday, but then to also have the down time afterward to truly soak it in. Most years my husband has to go back to work December 26th, so this year really felt like such a gift! I mentioned in this post that Christmas is absolutely my favorite holiday, but that it is such a busy...

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